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Neu Zilli Hoppy gin is a new flavor from the Savinja Valley, a gin that has successfully combined two ingredients, hops and gin

In the Lower Savinja Valley, one of the most beautiful Slovenian valleys, everything always turns in the right direction, clockwise, just as hops wrap and climb along trellises. With its beauty, hops almost architecturally form the shape of the valley with tall green pillars as guardians of the paradise valley. This natural architecture as a kind of cultivar drives the creative force of the valley, creating new opportunities, one of which is the new combination of hops and gin.

When the cones on the hops ripen under the heart-shaped leaves and the lupulin smells intoxicating, especially in the female flowers, a new thought arises in the valley. Hops are not just the usual bitter ingredient in beer, but a new essence of gin – the first Savinja hop-flavored gin with a cosmopolitan combination of names, Neu Zilly Hoppy gin, which begins the hop tradition with a new aroma from the northern slopes of the valley.

Začimba - Hmelj
Začimba - Brin
Začimba - Limona
Začimba - Poper

The beginnings of hop growing in the Lower Savinja Valley and its surroundings are connected with the Neu Zilly or Novo Celje mansion. 144 years ago, the first hop seedlings were brought to the fertile valley by the caretaker of the Neu Zilly manor, Josip Bilger. In more than a decade, the first plantations of the Savinjski golding variety were created, which has been highly valued for a century due to its quality. If we go back in time, to the spring of nations, Franziska Haussmann – Fanny (1818–1853) lived for a short time at the Neu Zilly manor. She is supposedly the first Slovene poet who not only wrote but also published poems at that time, when no woman had published the poem in the middle of the 19th century. She combined her poetic gift and her courage with the rebirth of the valley and became involved in the poetics of the green paradise.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that HOPPY GIN was born right here in the Savinja Valley. When love for the homeland, hedonism and architecture combine, a new noble taste of gin is born.

Hoppy Dry Gin steklenica, 700 ml
Hoppy Dry Gin steklenica, 700 ml
Hoppy Gin v pralinejih iz bele čokolade
Franzine murve oblite s čokolado v stekleni embalaži, 90 g

It is this tradition of stunning female creativity and courage and the rich male tradition of hop growing that are the source of the new combination of Savinja gin. On this solid support, Klavdija Sitar, an insatiable lover of beauty, creates her career in architecture and designs the Savinja gin. She added a passion for architecture, for creating beautiful, solid and useful ingredients, included the poetics of the Savinja Valley, her immense love for her homeland, added a new quality and created a new taste of the valley, Neu Zilly Hoppy gin.

And let’s not forget, only in the center of Slovenian hop growing, in the town of Žalec, you can simultaneously pamper yourself with a unique Beer Fountain, where you can try beers from local breweries and upgrade the experience with Neu Zilly HOPPY gin.

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